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Get the NukeVsCity Script Hub

The NukeVsCity Script Hub code is below. Copy & inject it into the game. Enjoy!

Bee Swarm Simulator - Infinite Treats, Infinite wind shine, Infinite Honey, kocmok remaster script, purple GUI, Pepsi GUI, altsego GUI, and more!
-- This file was generated using Luraph Obfuscator v13.4.4

return (function(J6,e6,t6,OE,N6,f6,B6,eE,g6,Y6,H6,GE,z6,Q6,a6,W6,DE,P6,s6,Z6,r6,nE,c6,k6,m6,A6,V6,K6,y6,u6,v6,S6,w6,T6,x6,d6,o6,E6,p6,D6,O6,M6,F6,i6,CE,uE,I6,bE,j6,KE,q6,L6,l6,UE,h6,R6,G6,rE,X6,...)local O,e=r6,(u6);local G=O6[e6];local r,u=G6,(D6);local V=(K6 or l6[A6]);local A,w=O6[w6],(l6[c6]);local D=(F6);local v,g=v6,g6;local b,C=V6,(J6);local n,U=Q6,(h6);local K,l=O6[E6],O6[j6];local c,F=a6,(L6);local h,E,j,a=W6,W6,W6,W6;local Q,U6=d6,(0);local J=(f6);while(U6~=5)do do if(not(U6