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Get the Pet Simulator X [Dupe Gems]

The Pet Simulator X [Dupe Gems] code is below. Copy & inject it into the game. Enjoy!

- Generate the best stats pet
- You can fuse like whatever pet you want
// Recognizing our BankID
local lib = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Framework'):WaitForChild('Library'))
local mybanks = lib.Network.Invoke("get my banks")
local BankID = mybanks[1]['BUID']
// Script for finding pet IDs
// The dupe script itself 
local args = {
    [1] = {
        [1] = "here_bankid",
        [2] = {},
        [3] = number of hemes
workspace.THINGS.REMOTES:FindFirstChild("bank deposit"):InvokeServer(unpack(args))