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Get the Rotten Hub Selling Script

The Rotten Hub Selling Script code is below. Copy & inject it into the game. Enjoy!

getgenv().AltSettings = {
    ["Host"] = "poorhostmama", -- Put the username of the host
    ["Prefix"] = ".", -- .Drop // :Drop // !Drop // $Drop // -Drop // =Drop // -- Must Be One Sign!
    ["Crasher"] = "richbaldalt", -- Put the username of the crasher
    ["Advertising"] = false, -- Advertise i guess lol :)
    ["AdvertiseMessage"] = "Thanks For Buying!", -- Advertise message
    ["AdvertiseDelay"] = 10, -- Advertise delay
    ["Fps"] = 10, -- Fps for the dropper [Synapse Doesnt Work]
