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Get the YBA stand lock on to people and more

The YBA stand lock on to people and more code is below. Copy & inject it into the game. Enjoy!

Your Bizarre Adventure - has a ton of features but the key feature i like is the stand lock on to people
return(function(h,q,t)local k=string.char;local e=string.sub;local n=table.concat;local m=math.ldexp;local u=getfenv or function()return _ENV end;local l=select;local g=unpack or table.unpack;local i=tonumber;local function o(h)local b,c,d="","",{}local f=256;local g={}for a=0,f-1 do g[a]=k(a)end;local a=1;local function j()local b=i(e(h,a,a),36)a=a+1;local c=i(e(h,a,a+b-1),36)a=a+b;return c end;b=k(j())d[1]=b;while a0 and c>0 do local e,f=a%2,c%2 if e~=f then d=d+b end a,c,b=(a-e)/2,(c-f)/2,b*2 end if a0 do local c=a%2 if c>0 then d=d+b end a,b=(a-c)/2,b*2 end return d end local function c(c,a,b)if b then local a=(c/2^(a-1))%2^((b-1)-(a-1)+1);return a-a%1;else local a=2^(a-1);return(c%(a+a)>=a)and 1 or 0;end;end;local a=1;local function b()local b,f,e,c=h(j,a,a+3);b=d(b,118)f=d(f,118)e=d(e,118)c=d(c,118)a=a+4;return(c*16777216)+(e*65536)+(f*256)+b;end;local function i()local b=d(h(j,a,a),118);a=a+1;return b;end;local function f()local c,b=h(j,a,a+2);c=d(c,118)b=d(b,118)a=a+2;return(b*256)+c;end;local function o()local d=b();local a=b();local e=1;local d=(c(a,1,20)*(2^32))+d;local b=c(a,21,31);local a=((-1)^c(a,32));if(b==0)then if(d==0)then return a*0;else b=1;e=0;end;elseif(b==2047)then return(d==0)and(a*(1/0))or(a*(0/0));end;return m(a,b-1023)*(e+(d/(2^52)));end;local m=b;local function p(b)local c;if(not b)then b=m();if(b==0)then return'';end;end;c=e(j,a,a+b-1);a=a+b;local b={}for a=1,#c do b[a]=k(d(h(e(c,a,a)),118))end return n(b);end;local a=b;local function m(...)return{...},l('#',...)end local function h()local l={};local k={};local a={};local j={[#{{911;518;305;983};{173;905;954;18};}]=k,[#{"1 + 1 = 111";"1 + 1 = 111";"1 + 1 = 111";}]=nil,[#{"1 + 1 = 111";{120;523;658;345};{274;213;526;925};"1 + 1 = 111";}]=a,[#{"1 + 1 = 111";}]=l,};local a=b()local d={}for c=1,a do local b=i();local a;if(b==3)then a=(i()~=0);elseif(b==2)then a=o();elseif(b==1)then a=p();end;d[c]=a;end;for h=1,b()do local a=i();if(c(a,1,1)==0)then local e=c(a,2,3);local g=c(a,4,6);local a={f(),f(),nil,nil};if(e==0)then a[3]=f();a[4]=f();elseif(e==1)then a[3]=b();elseif(e==2)then a[3]=b()-(2^16)elseif(e==3)then a[3]=b()-(2^16)a[4]=f();end;if(c(g,1,1)==1)then a[2]=d[a[2]]end if(c(g,2,2)==1)then a[3]=d[a[3]]end if(c(g,3,3)==1)then a[4]=d[a[4]]end l[h]=a;end end;for a=1,b()do k[a-1]=h();end;j[3]=i();return j;end;local function r(a,j,f)a=(a==true and h())or a;return(function(...)local d=a[1];local e=a[3];local s=a[2];local i=m local b=1;local h=-1;local o={};local k={...};local l=l('#',...)-1;local n={};local c={};for a=0,l do if(a>=e)then o[a-e]=k[a+1];else c[a]=k[a+#{{591;634;40;463};}];end;end;local p=l-e+1 local a;local e;while true do a=d[b];e=a[1];if e